Software Freedom Day 08 - 20 september

PataS Ubuntu blogg. En blogg om Ubuntu

Fslint Städar ditt system.

Du kanske börjar undra varför det börjar bli dåligt med utrymme på din
Hd? Då ska du installera Fslint som är ett verktyg som söker genom systemet
efter dublicerade filer , ogiltiga filnamn, temporära filer, tomma kataloger etc..

Du kan enkelt installera det via Synaptic klicka här

Gå till Fslints Hemsida för att läsa mera.

Vill du hämta den senaste versionen som är något nyare än den
som ligger i förrådet så kopiera kodraden här under och klistra in den
i terminalen.

sudo dpkg -i fslint_2.40-1_all.deb

Fslint FAQ här under.

Q. What algorithm is used to check for duplicate files?
A. On a standard install, you can see the script used in
/usr/share/fslint/fslint/findup. In summary the algorithm is:
1. exclude files with unique lengths
2. handle files that are hardlinked to each other
3. exclude files with unique md5(first_4k(file))
4. exclude files with unique md5(whole file)
5. exclude files with unique sha1(whole file) (in case of md5 collisions).

Q. Is there a command line version?
A. Yes, you can download the tarball and cd to
the fslint directory, and use it directly from there.
Note the GUI just wraps these command line programs,
so alternatively you can cd or add to $PATH the
/usr/share/fslint/fslint directory on a standard install.

Q. Can I download the tarball and hack & run the GUI without installing it?
A. Yes, just run ./fslint-gui from the directory you extract
and it automatically notices this and uses just the
files in the extracted directory. Note you will need
to do a make in the po directory for i18n to work.

Q. Where's the Makefile? How do I build/install it from source?
A. It's python so nothing needs to be built on the target.
There's no Makefile to [un]install because there's no need (see previous FAQ)
To build an rpm just tar.gz the working directory to fslint-x.xx.tar.gz.
For example: tar czf fslint-2.17.tar.gz --exclude=.svn fslint
and then: rpmbuild -ta fslint-x.xx.tar.gz. Alternatively
to build a deb just cp -a the working directory to fslint-x.xx
and then: cd fslint-x.xx && dpkg-buildpackage -I.svn -rfakeroot -tc

Q. The released RPM doesn't install on mandriva or SuSE?
A. Unfortunately Mandriva and SuSE at least use different
pygtk package names to fedora/redhat.
FSlint does support automatically building the correct package
on the mandriva and suse platforms. To build a package for these
distros, just get the release tar.gz and as in the previous FAQ:
sudo rpmbuild -ta fslint-x.xx.tar.gz

Q. Why does the GUI default to including my $HOME dir, and how do I change it?
A. Well more accurately it adds the current working directory by default,
so when started from the gnome menu, it will default to $HOME.
You can pass (multiple) directories on the command line like:
Alt-F2 -> fslint-gui /your/dir
Or you could edit the menu entry to hardcode a different start path.

Q. In the GUI how do I exclude dirs (and and sub-dirs) matching a pattern?
A. In "Advanced Search Parameters"->"Paths to exclude", add
"*/CVS" to exclude all CVS dirs for example

Q. In the GUI how do I exclude files matching a pattern?
A. In "Advanced Search Parameters"->"Extra find parameters", add
"\( ! -name COPYING* -a ! -name LICENSE \)" to exclude licence files for e.g.

Q. From the command line how do I exclude paths matching a pattern?
A. To exclude directories: findup \( -path "*/.svn" \) -prune -o
To exclude files: findup \( ! -name "*.py[co]" \)

Q. How do I navigate the file lists with the keyboard?
A. FSlint uses a GtkCList in "multiple selection" mode throughout.

1. Ctrl + up, down to scroll the list.
2. up, down, PgUp, PgDown, Ctrl+home and Ctrl+end to change selected item.
3. Shift + the movement keys extends a contiguous selection.
4. Ctrl + space, toggles the discontiguous selection mode.
When in this mode, one can navigate to any row using the movement keys
and space will toggle that row's selection state. Also holding Shift
while using the movement keys will extend the selection.

For completeness the mouse works like:

1. Clicking an item selects it.
2. Ctrl+click adds toggles rows to and from a discontiguous selection.
3. Dragging the mouse over rows makes a contiguous selection.
4. Shift+click extends a contiguous selection to the clicked row.

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